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Paper information

Performance evaluation of ancillary services in the Turkish power system

E. Lobato, I. Egido, L. Rouco

Przeglad Elektrotechniczny Vol. 88, nº. 01a, pp. 122 - 126


This paper proposes a central monitoring system of frequency and voltage control of the Turkish Power System, consisting of a reference model that compares the real operation of the generating units with the desired behaviour established by the technical requirements of the Turkish grid code. A number of quantitative measures, based on the deviation between the real and the desired response are proposed to evaluate the adequacy of each unit behaviour. Application examples are provided using real data of different Turkish power plants.

Keywords: Ancillary Services, Voltage Control, Frequency Control, Monitoring System.

Published on paper: 2012.

E. Lobato, I. Egido, L. Rouco, Performance evaluation of ancillary services in the Turkish power system. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny. Vol. 88, nº. 01a, pp. 122 - 126, 2012.

    Research topics:
  • *Automatic Generation Control: Design and tuning of AGC regulators, identification of power plant models, primary and secondary regulation ancilliary services,